Wednesday, 26 October 2011


This week it's getting spooky in my Zumba classes with a few Halloween routines for a bit of fun! Also wearing fancy dress...insteresting when jumping around to fast music but hey....have to do it for the theme!

Party in Pink - check out my sequinned Fedora Hat!

I instructed at a Zumbathon in Blyth in aid of breast cancer research. Lots of fun and met some fab, friendly, fellow instructors - shown in the picture!

Friday, 7 October 2011


I am very exciting that my new Zumba Toning classes start next week and places are already fully booked! The choreography is fabulous and I really hope all of my ladies enjoy it :-)

Here are the toning sticks, ready and waiting......

My new shoes

Reebok Zigs...very good for cushioning and support I have heard. And they are pretty funky too!